BOOK REDESIGN | 2019-2021
As this was one of my first type projects, the objective was to apply lessons obtained in my Type I course to a “real-life” scenario; redesigning a book. With this, I experimented with different grids and iterated many various type layouts all while practicing the rudimentary rules of typography. After the course was finished, I even went as far to improve it over time as my eye for typography developed and improved.
The cover design took many rounds of iteration and ideation, playing with grids, discovering new typefaces, and experimenting with meaning in orientaion and hierarchy in order to produce the final result (see final result at the end).

The cover set the visual tone for the rest of the book, so I wanted the table of contents to reflect the cover. The table of contents continues with this idea of connection and continuity.

The problem around the chapter opener was hierarchy. What should be read first and why? Another question I asked myself was how can I make this interesting and dynamic?