The objective of this project was to get an introduction to animation by animating the movement of an earring. The criteria for the project was to animate the earring in a fixed position, but make it sway back and forth. However, I wanted to take it to the next level. I wanted to create a character and have their head move as well. I wanted to go the extra mile because I wanted to go more in depth into learning the software. 


Being on a strict deadline and not knowing the software too well, I knew I had to make the character simple and easy to anmiate. That’s why I created it out of easy-to-move geometric shapes. I sketched up a figure, translated it into Illustrator, and picked a color scheme.


To better undertand the physics of the earring movements alomgside the movement of the head, I filmed myself turming my head 90 degrees while wearing an earring. I took this clip and translated the timing and keyframes into After Effects. 


Before going into this project I didn’t realize how important timing was in animation. While trying to figure everything out, I then made it a point to pay close attention to the timing of the animation, specifically with easing in and out. So, I sketched out a rough diagram of where the earring should be and when.

Sofia Ramos    ︎    Communication Designer    ︎    2023
Sofia Ramos   ︎    2023